During times such as these recent months, when we are facing ministry support shortages and seeing very little net progress, we experience a couple things. First, we have an increased awareness of and amazement at how God provides miraculously and unexpectedly, way beyond any visible means. At the same time, we go through the process of re-examining our goals, our motivation, our purpose and our call. As we have done this once again, we have yet again been renewed in our conviction of the relevance of this ministry and our passion to continue investing ourselves in building and growing the kingdom. And we are strengthened in our confidence in God's timing and provision.
We have an opportunity this last weekend of February, Friday evening through Sunday evening, to participate in the annual missions conference at our local church, Christian Family Chapel in Jacksonville. Please pray for our involvement as we will be able to share our ministry in several contexts during this event. Pastor Doug powerfully set the stage with an overview of God's Mission as it is revealed from Genesis to Revelation. Our prayer is that we will communicate effectively and build on that with a challenge of personal involvement.