Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Just a week after our return from Albania we were on the road to Norfolk/Chesapeake VA to help celebrate with Tabernacle Church of Norfolk marking their 75th year of ministry. We were part of Tab as a young couple and got our start in missions through our involvement there. With all the changes over these many years it is so encouraging to see how the ministry continues strong and vital. 
We had a full schedule catching up with long time friends, involvement in music, speaking and sharing our ministry, talking to prospective musicians for Proclaim, and connecting with other missionaries on the possibility of coordinating efforts in the future.  

This faithful group has prayed for us for many years. 

We were able to relax too with our hosts in Chesapeake -- friends originally from Jacksonville -- including a day at North Carolina's Outer Banks and visit to Kitty Hawk and the Wright Brothers museum, and a fantastic evening at a Gaither concert. 

On the way home, since it was on our route, we stopped to see where Kathie spent the first 6 months of life -- Bob Jones University.

An unexpected bonus was the amazing fall color we enjoyed in the Tidewater area and on the drive.  This seems to be an unusually colorful year on the whole east coast, more brilliant than we remember seeing before. We are so thankful for this time and being reminded of what an impact the people and events of Tabernacle Church had on us through the years.