Friday, May 22, 2015

Tribute to a Sender

We were saddened when we received word of the passing of a dear lady who has blessed us with her faithfulness. We met Louise many years ago at a missions conference at her church when we were new missionaries just preparing to go to Belgium. From that brief weekend of interacting Louise began supporting our ministry and continued as we have lived in 3 different countries and ministered in over 30 others with 2 different mission organizations. Her steadfastness is all the more amazing as we never again had face to face contact.

When we found out a few years ago that Louise had moved we assumed this was a phase of life that might not allow her the means to continue with us financially. But she continued a donation every year until we learned that she has gone to her Lord and her reward.

I was surprised at the emotion I felt over the loss of this precious lady. We did not know her well, but she so encouraged us by her steadfastness through the years. And I’m sure this is only one of many examples of her service in the kingdom. 

It wasn't for us -- it was for God. It was not for earthly recognition or appreciation. Her heavenly reward is great.

. . . You know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.  Col. 3:24