The Proclaim! team in North Africa is off to a good start with 10 days to go. There was one flight arrival problem, but all the musicians made it on schedule by the 15th to rehearse and prepare for the challenging time ahead. Here is a photo of last year's team -- mostly the same personnel returned this year.
Even during these first days final details have been coming together for some opportunities that are new this year and for building on contacts from the past two tours in this capital city. One of the new opportunities is at the American University where the first concert was performed. It was that morning concert that confirmed to a potential sponsor the band's musical caliber for an invitation to two other key venues. As a result, they are booked for a second concert at the university at a prime time and location, and one at the prestigious National Opera House.
Please continue to pray for the team (Bob & Alyce, John & Diana, Kim & Jeanne, Bob, Jim, Greg, Steve, Maasej) -- especially Bob and Alyce as their leadership creativity and flexibility are stretched to the max. The next 10 days will be full and challenging both for our team and for the national believers who are pouring so much into meeting the spiritual needs around them. We are looking forward with anticipation to how God will use these efforts and develop opportunities for communicating the truth. Pray that the cultural exchange concerts at the university and the opera house will lead to contacts for more open sharing. And pray for receptive hearts at the private garden party concerts where the message will be more direct. Here is the upcoming schedule:
Sat 3/21 Training seminar for Christian musicians
Sun 3/22 Garden party concert at a large private villa
Mon 3/23 Jazz Club concert
Tue 3/24 Garden party concert
Thur-Sat 3/26-28 Seminar for Christian musicians
Sun 3/29 Concert at National Opera House
Mon 3/30 Concert at American University
Tues 3/31 Meeting with jazz musicians
Even though we were anticipating with excitement our 12-day trip to Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Chesapeake, it far exceeded our expectations. We had a sense that it was going to be a significant time because of all the things that went wrong as we were preparing to leave and even while we were en route. We were right!
Cunninghams, dear friends from Jacksonville who now live in Chesapeake, lavishly shared their home and themselves for the entire time providing every necessity and comfort we could hope for.
We had three main goals for this time: to connect with faithful supporters who have prayed and given financially for the past 25+ years, to thank our sending church, Tabernacle Church of Norfolk, for the specific ways they prepared us as a young couple for ministry and have helped sustain us, and to convey what God has been doing through the ministry of Proclaim.
God enabled us to do all that and much more. He truly put together his agenda through the opportunities that opened up. We had 14 meals or meetings with long-time
friends and supporters, including 5 pastors (2 of those are Jim's former students from Norfolk Christian Schools). We also met with the Tab Church missions executive committee, 2 Sunday school classes, and 2 home fellowships, and spoke with several people who are interested in coming with Proclaim! on tours.
On our last Sunday Jim was able to play with the Tab Church praise team in the morning services.

And a very exciting prospect is the possibility of Proclaim!'s cooperation in evangelism projects with other missionaries out of Tabernacle Church. There are four different contexts that have the possibility of developing as the Lord leads. One of those is already beginning to materialize. It is rewarding to see all the possible links between Proclaim! and our original sending base.
We ended the trip with a special treat - stopping to visit Kathie's sister and brother-in-law, Diane and Bob, in Asheville, NC. We enjoyed fellowship with them, the breathtaking beauty of that area, and a tour of the main local attraction -- the Biltmore estate.

Kathie & little sis
Thank you for your prayers for this strategic time. We look forward to what God is going to do through all that was set in motion.
Now on to the next major event: March 15-31 Jim will be part of the team returning for the 3rd time to the capital city of a North African country. Through performances in some high profile venues they will have the opportunity to plant seeds of the gospel and then invite people to privately sponsored concerts where the message can be openly shared. Please pray for preparation for this along with busy schedules the next two weeks. Jim would especially appreciate prayer for his musical preparation, both for this tour and for recording sessions with the local wind ensemble he plays in.
CLICK HERE to link to North Africa tour details on the Proclaim! website