We will be in Croatia and Bosnia July 26-August 13 as part of MERCY STREET RHYTHM & BLUES. As the name says, it will be a marriage of a particular style of music with a message of God’s great mercy – a message so desperately needed in this part of the world. Again we will partner with churches in Croatia and Bosnia who are dedicated to reaching their communities for Christ.
We have seen much fruit from our time spent in the Balkans but there is so much more to do! Although the area is relatively peaceful there now, recent wars have left deep scars in the lives of many. We want to come and bring the “Balm of Gilead” to dress these spiritual wounds.

Also pray about our financial needs for this trip. As our personal account is still deeply in deficit, we still need funds for this trip. Our current need for this trip is $3160.
We are still in need of ongoing financial support, currently receiving 54% of the funds needed for living and ministry expenses. Many of our long time supporters are older and live on fixed incomes. We currently have only one supporting church. We are in need of more people who will stand with us through ongoing financial support.
Through this we are seeing God move on our behalf. Here are a few examples: We have received some new or increased support from a handful of individuals. Also, God has shown us ways to economize, including better and less expensive health insurance coverage than we have had. Lastly, in an act of divine extravagance, God prompted some friends to give us a week’s vacation in a condo at Daytona Beach. It wasn’t until we got there that we realized just how much we needed the refreshment. We used that time to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary which takes place while we are on tour. We knew that this was God’s way of reminding us that He is the great provider.