Moving around is nothing new in Proclaim -- our ministry is based on coming and going as most of us travel regularly to other countries. But this seems to be a time of several changes in longer term location as well. Our US office in Jacksonville is feeling the effects of these changes.
Todd and Terri Smalley who have been back in Jacksonville for over a year are able to return to Germany the end of June to give leadership to our team in Kandern. We will miss them and Todd's computer expertise which has benefited all of us immensely.
And Marty and Debbie Shilling, who have carried a lot of the responsibility in the office the last couple years, are following God's leading to return to Black Forest Academy in Germany to serve there as dorm parents. So, these positive moves present a challenge.
Now we are in the process of redistributing office responsibilities to cover the needs. Jim is one of those who will be taking on some of the areas as he balances coming in to the office 2 or 3 times a week with continuing support raising activities, music, tour preparation and local discipleship/teaching. Please pray for all of us as we adjust to new roles and processes. It's always exciting to see how God supplies the resources to meet the needs.
One of the positive changes that is giving momentum to many of our transitions is the movement of the US dollar to a stronger position. The recent and relatively sudden increase in the value of the dollar results in a substantial net decrease in the monthly support need of our Europe based missionaries, allowing them to raise their support more quickly or keep their ongoing support strong. Those of us based in the US are positively affected too as our dollars go farther on the evangelism tours in which we participate and the administrative aspect of the overseas ministries that the US office helps fund.
We continue to have new monthly and special donors and are progressing toward our support goals. In spite of still being well short of our monthly support need, our deficit as of the end of last month is only $4750 -- less than half what it was at the highest point just a few months ago. Thank you to those who have joined our support team and to you who have given faithfully for many years.
We are looking forward to a quick trip to Indiana June 30-July 8 for a family event. One of the benefits of our US base is that it is possible to be with family for some of those significant times and at the same time see friends there and along the way.
Jami will not be able to come this time as she has just recently been promoted to a full time position in seafood at her store -- an answer to prayer during the 2 years that she has been faithfully working the part time positions that were available. She and we are very thankful for God's provision.
Thank you for your prayers during this busy summer of transitions.