February 21-March 6 Jim was with Next Exit ministering with Belarusian Christian band Spasenie to Proclaim Christ in Belarus and Ukraine. There was no chance to get bored! Spasenie makes use of innovative means of connecting with people for sharing their faith, and our team experienced that diversity of ministry opportunities.
Spasenie's concern for youth and the reputation they have in schools opened doors for our band to play in some of the schools and speak with students. They are the first American band to have this opportunity, and their efforts were enthusiastically received by teachers and administration.
Individual team members had other opportunities for ministry: helping Spasenie in their music studio, teaching music and audio classes in their music academy, and designing a coffee bar in a multi-purpose ministry facility.
Three of our band members spent a day judging 30 high school bands performing 2 songs each, competing to play in a music festival.
At the Saturday Music Festival the 6 finalists were featured with Next Exit performing at the end. All students at the public school performances were invited to this event.
At a music college where Spasenie and Next Exit performed together, the students loved the concert and many stayed after to talk.
The time in Belarus finished with a concert in a church that is small but very strategic with a history of launching many other ministry ventures.
The final days of the tour were in Kiev, Ukraine. The two bands joined together leading worship at church services and had some more teaching opportunities.
Praise God for the opportunities in these venues to encourage believers and engage with unbelievers to build bridges and share. Praise for the endurance that God gave the team to continue strong to the end.