Thursday, October 29, 2015

We're back from our excellent adventure!

The time in Greece was even more intense and rewarding than last year’s with 18 performances in 13 days (after 2 rehearsal days).  We had some new venues in Athens plus returns to some from last year. 

Our travel included 4 ministry cities in Northern Greece, which also took us to some amazing ancient sites including Delphi, Berea, the ancient market place of Thessalonica and the Monastaries of the Great Meteora. Our guide Costas from the Acropolis visit last year traveled with us to the north to take us to those sites. He makes everything come alive and brings out incredible historical facts that show God’s absolute sovereignty in all of history.
Again Mihalis was a master of lining up strategic connections for follow up or for breaking new ground. We helped him strengthen relationships with 2 local city officials through involvement in a community service day in one local area, and playing for a refugee center that the local city government is responsible for. Our downtown events were even bigger and higher profile this year so the sponsors (a church ministry to the arts community and an addiction recovery ministry) had a lot of visibility and many new contacts. With all the additional travel, sightseeing, and performing, we were sleep deprived and exhausted, but would not have changed a thing!

We are so encouraged by the funds that came in for all of us, for our ministry partners in Greece in these difficult economic times, and for the general Southern Cross tour and CD. Five tunes were recorded in time to be available for tour PR and for sale at concerts and stores in Greece. Now that the tour is over a few more songs will be recorded and added to those for a full CD for distribution soon.  We also had some additional donations for our own ministry fund that will help as we finish up the year. Thanks to all who blessed our team and our friends in Greece by sacrificing for this worthwhile project.

Here is our team at the Athens Acropolis on the steps of Mars Hill after reading the Acts 17 account of Paul's inspired message to the people of Athens.

If you want to see a little (or a lot) of the band in action, here is a link to a video that was shot of an entire Southern Cross concert at Katerini.

If you would like to make a donation to our ministry account at Proclaim
Select Jenkins on the dropdown menu.