We know people were praying for this tour as we saw answers to all the requests we had made known.
Our team worked wonderfully together, in very challenging circumstances at times. All aspects of the concerts were excellent -- music, sound, lighting, and gospel presentation. The message was clearly and boldly presented from the stage, then team members and local sponsoring members eagerly sought out opportunities to speak with people, not only after the concerts, but even with curious onlookers who were around the stage during set up.

We were humbled and blessed to have the privilege of helping church leaders who are sacrificing much to be a light in some very difficult places. Some areas we were in have been hard hit by the devastation of war and people are still dealing with deep hurts and loss. It was so rewarding to leave concert sites with new contacts having been connected with the local church.

At our very first concert in Glina we worked with a church of about 12 members led by Jovica, a man we have known since we first started going to Croatia in the 80s. God called him to this struggling town that has lost 3/4 of its pre-war population. Team members had a conversation with one young man who that night was very close to becoming a believer, and with another who has the desire to study the Bible. It was encouraging to leave them in the care of Jovica who is especially burdened to reach men in the town.
We were all stretched in servanthood when 12 of our 16
members became sick during the time in Bosnia. Thankfully, we only had to cancel one concert due to sickness and we were scheduled to be in that location for 2 nights, so we were able to still do ministry there. For that 2nd night we were short a couple musicians and support members, but everyone pitched in so the concert could go on. God even provided a stand-in drummer -- Abi from our Croatian band Adonai made the 7-hour drive arriving in time to practice with the band for 30 minutes before going on. With God's enabling he and the other musicians adapted beautifully and no one in the audience would have known the drummer had never before played with this band!

It was a thrill for us to be able to be part of the ministry again in Croatia and for our first time in Bosnia. Kathie was busy all the time with the usual "tour mom" roles -- making coffee, getting food and water at the concerts sites and handling finances, along with new activities -- helping with lights and shooting video of concerts.

God enabled Jim to have stamina in spite of increasing problems he has had for the last few years with a hernia. We have put off treatment because of finances, but have known that it would soon be impossible for him to keep going on like this. The team was vigilant in protecting him from any lifting of equipment, but even playing proved taxing. We realized that putting off surgery is no longer an option. When we arrived back from the tour we learned that some friends who had heard about Jim's trouble on tour had already arranged to cover the cost. He is now scheduled for surgery on Aug. 31 to be done by the head of the National Hernia Network which is based in Jacksonville. We are praising God for the provision for meeting this long-time need!
GOD'S SCHEDULING: Shortly before the tour we requested prayer for filling 2 concert dates as the last 2 previously scheduled concerts had been cancelled because of venue permission problems. By the time we arrived in Croatia one date was filled with an additional concert in Bosnia. Then during the rehearsal days we were able to fill in the final date with a concert back in our Croatia "home town" of Cakovec.

The city had a festival planned during that time and needed a band for the evening after our last concert in Bosnia. We had a long day as we were on the road from Bosnia from 7am to 3pm and then set up and performed that evening. But energy was high as we had the opportunity to proclaim the good news once again in this city that we have come to love.
Our final day provided good closure as we were able to relax, have fellowship as a team with our hosts, and begin processing all we had experienced together. Once again we saw God's faithfulness, and, more than ever, his strength in our weakness. Thanks to all whose prayer sustained us and whose financial contributions provided the means. We are humbly grateful.
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